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Въдица SEAFLOOR CONTROL JEREX 603-3 max 300g

Art. # 4573476187

The Seafloor Control JEREX 603-3 offers enhanced strength and precision for jigging, delivering powerful performance for tackling larger deep-sea species.


It is a high-end rod using highly elastic carbon with the name of Jerk (JERK) x King (REX).

Poured the actual fishing method that SFC has accumulated into development, achieving overwhelming strength and light weight, as well as flexibility and firm repulsion.

Without use cutting-edge carbon, but use low resin, high elasticity, and low elongation carbon to achieve overwhelming high resilience!

 6.3 feet long, designed with a slightly fast tipper to achieve a sharp action. The sensitivity is outstanding, and the delicate tip conveys a dry feel to your hands, allowing you to freely manipulate the jig. The feeling of stopping and rising is also fast, and it is possible to catch the target by moving the jig at will.

 Jarek has excellent sensitivity in bad conditions, and you can feel the movement of the jig at hand in any situation.

BAVS - Съществува феномен, при който дори малко количество звук се усилва и възприема като действие в празна структура като концертна зала.

„Системата за усилване на кълването“ (BAVS) на края на пръчката, която прилага този феномен, улавя леко кълване, излъчено от далечното морско дъно, и го усилва в ръката на риболовеца. Офанзивен механизъм, който отнема предимството за бягство на целта в началния етап.

There is a phenomenon that even a small amount of sound is amplified and perceived as an action in a void structure such as a concert hall.

The "Bite Amplified Void System" (BAVS) of the rod end that applies this phenomenon, catches a slight bite emitted from the distant seabed, and amplifies it in the hand of the angler.

An offensive mechanism that scrapes the target's escape advantage at the initial stage.

  • Guides: Fuji Guid Torzite Ring
  • Number of guides: 10 pcs.
  • Material: carbon
  • Reel seat: Fuji T-DPS22
  • Handle: Cork
  • Section: 1
  • Length: 6'3" - 1.91 m
  • Line: max PE23
  • Action: max 300
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Parameter Value
Type of fishing Saltwater
Number of guides 10
Number of sections 1
Length (m) 1,90 - 6'3"
Transport length (cm) 192,5
Lure test (g) MAX 300
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